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Group LinkedIn® Workshops, Presentations and Training.

Our comprehensive LinkedIn® training is designed to help individuals from all walks of life enhance their career prospects, job search strategies and business-to-business growth through the power of LinkedIn®.

Elevate Your Group's Career / B2B Strategies with LinkedIn® Training

Our LinkedIn® Training is Ideal For:
  • Students, Interns and Recent Graduates (over the age of 16)

  • Participants in Educational, Trade and Training Programs

  • Association Members and Club Members

  • Volunteers and Staff in Non-profit Organisations

  • Career Development / Learning and Development Professionals and Organisations

  • Individuals / Parents / ADF Members Returning to the Workforce

  • Unemployed and Non-nationals Looking for New Job Opportunities

  • Professionals Seeking to Improve their LinkedIn® Presence

Our Sessions

Our LinkedIn® workshops and presentations cover a broad range of topics, ensuring your group gains the skills needed to build a strong LinkedIn® presence that supports their career growth or B2B strategies, including:

Career Growth:

  • Profile Enhancement: Techniques to create compelling LinkedIn® profiles that attract the right opportunities.

  • Networking Skills: Strategies to build and expand a professional network with targeted, meaningful connections.

  • Engagement Best Practices: Insights on effectively posting, sharing and interacting on LinkedIn® to boost visibility and engagement.

  • Job Search Optimisation: Advanced tools and tactics for searching and applying for jobs on LinkedIn®.


Business Growth:

  • Unlock Strategic Partnerships: Learn how to leverage LinkedIn® for identifying and connecting with key business partners, enhancing your B2B networking capabilities and driving mutually beneficial collaborations.

  • Master Engagement Techniques: Discover effective strategies for engaging with potential partners through personalised messaging, content sharing and relationship-building tactics that foster trust and collaboration.

  • Optimise Your Company Page: Ensure your business profile and company page stand out, showcasing your brand’s strengths and attracting high-quality partnerships through a professional and compelling LinkedIn® presence.


Tailored Training for Optimal Results:

We understand that each group has unique needs. During our initial discussion, we will work closely with you to define your requirements and customise the training to ensure the best possible outcomes. Our commitment to ongoing education and development means we continually update our content to provide the most relevant and effective approaches to LinkedIn®.


Why Choose Our LinkedIn® Training?:
  • Expertise and Insight: Leverage the knowledge and experience of a LinkedIn® authority who has successfully guided countless professionals and teams.

  • Customised Training: Sessions are tailored to address the specific needs and goals of your team, ensuring the content is relevant and impactful.

  • Flexible Format: Our training can be delivered online or in person for maximum convenience and can be structured to last from two (2) to four (4) hours and beyond, depending on your requirements.


Straightforward and Stress-Free Process:

Connect with us today to discuss how our LinkedIn® training sessions can be tailored to meet your group's needs. Whether you're looking to empower a corporate team, support a Year 11/12 group or provide valuable tools for association members, we are here to help you succeed.



For more information, please contact us at r.farrell(at)

An effective LinkedIn® strategy should be part of a comprehensive career growth strategy, alongside CV writing and interview preparation skills. These three elements form a strong foundation for professional success.

Elevate your career and B2B prospects with our LinkedIn® training — because your professional success starts with a strong online presence.

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